88% of software engineering projects fail to deliver objectives within budget
We at Collisto believe that this need to change this and that there is no reason for failure

We are passionate about software engineering
We are a small team of senior managers who all have many years experience in software engineering. In various parts of the industry we have been involved in complex projects involving multiple teams in various geographies. We offer various services to help your organization improving your software engineering capabilities.
Software engineering process optimisation
Review your software engineering process to validate the steps and see where it can be optimised. We can help implementing these changes to validate the improvements.
Sometimes it is most efficient to outsource software engineering activities. We help you to select the outsource partner en setup the engagement for a successful delivery.
Choosing technologies
There is no world changing so rapidly than software engineering. New technologies see the daylight every day, as an organization you have to move in time, not too late, not too soon
Moving to other locations
Whether it might be due to other business activities or to find more talent, many organizations are looking for officers in other geographies. We can help you implementing these changes.
Building teams
Building new or extending teams is challenging. We can help with recruitment and integration of these new recruited engineers with the existing software engineering teams.
Project recovery
If projects aren’t on track, it helps when someone who isn’t involved reviews the status and brings it back on track. A quick scan and adequate actions might save a lot of money and will ensure the delivery of the objectives.
Various models for scaling
How to scale teams and keep them efficient. A white paper to explore various models.

Choosing locations
Some experiences with teams over the world. What problems can you expect and how different is it to build up a team on the side of the world.